Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

The week-long intensive course format is classroom style with a variety of teaching styles and learning activities planned. The program is open to registered nurses desiring spiritual growth and exploring ways to start a health and healing ministry within a faith community setting. Those settings may include parishes, acute or long-term care health centers, or faith-based shelters. Topics for the week include exploring the roles of the faith community nurse, offering spiritual care and prayer, integrating faith and health, and caring for those experiencing issues across the lifespan. 

The course fee includes a full week of instruction, a participant manual and workbook, practice standards, and some meals. There are limited scholarships available to nurses not sponsored by their faith community. 

For more information contact Dr. Jean Bokinskie, PhD, RN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Event Information

Event Date 04-28-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 05-02-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 04-01-2025
Individual Price Limited scholarships are available. The cost includes participant manual, notebook of materials, Scope & Standards of FCN practice, and some meals for the week
Speaker The lead faculty are Dr. Jean Bokinskie and Barbara Hanson
Number Hours 36.5
Location Concordia College Moorhead MN at First Lutheran Church in Fargo ND