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Sharon Hinton Friday, 28 January 2022 11:15

Greetings everyone! This announcement is going out to multiple groups and E Notes lists so forgive if you receive it more than once!

The last of the Westberg Institute online systems have now been fully integrated.

To get to the FCN Knowledge Sharing Platform go to the website www.westberginstitute.org and click on community. In addition to posts, you are able to share photos, videos, and conduct polls. If your group wants to store files, they must be uploaded as PDFs. If you do not see an upload files tab in your group, email admin@westberginstitute.org so IT can be sure it is activated.

For educational partners posting Foundations courses. Go to the website www.westberginstitute.org and click on the for educators tab to log in. If it doesn’t recognize you, simply create a new account for posting your courses. The instructions for posting now give you more options. If there is something we have missed, send an email to admin@westberginstitute.org

There are several new links and services in the community and on the website. Please look around and if anything is not working or if there is something missing that you want, send an email to admin@westberginstitute.org Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Blessings, Sharon T. Hinton, Director