

FCN REFRESHER COURSE Did you know that the Westberg Institute Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Course was revised in 2024? Westberg Institute strongly recommends that if it's been 5 years or more since you took the Foundations Course, you should take it again. If that's not an option for you, consider our FCN Refresher Course! This 15-hour online course (three sessions) will update you on the recent and past revisions of the course. Our students say: "This course was so pertinent to my practice." "Excellent resources and education!" The Faith Community Nurse Network is a leader in education for faith community nurses and this course is taught by an experienced FCN and educator who receives excellent reviews for content and learning methods. Check out our website for more information. https://www.fcnntc.org/education/refresher-foundations-course/ If this course starting in April, 2025 doesn't work for you, we are offering it again July-September, 2025.

Holistic Nursing Care

04-07-2025 - 05-16-2025
Three Hundred Dollars

Course Description: Holistic Nursing Care

This six-week, fully online course provides nurses with an in-depth understanding of holistic nursing principles, theories, and practices. Designed for those interested in integrating holistic approaches into their nursing practice or those preparing for certification, the course explores key topics such as therapeutic communication, complementary and alternative therapies, self-care strategies, and culturally competent care. The curriculum aligns with the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) standards and serves as an excellent preparation for nurses seeking certification in holistic nursing. Through recorded lectures, expert interviews, national resources, and interactive discussion boards, participants will engage with evidence-based holistic care methods that promote healing, well-being, and patient-centered care.

Learners will examine holistic nursing models, and apply them to real-world patient scenarios. The course also emphasizes the importance of self-care for nurses, mindfulness techniques, and ethical considerations in holistic practice. Participants will gain practical knowledge on integrating holistic nursing principles into diverse healthcare settings while developing skills in leadership and advocacy for holistic health. With no required in-person meetings, this flexible and accessible course is ideal for busy professionals looking to expand their holistic nursing expertise and prepare for certification.

Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Angel Smothers with questions (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Advance Care Planning for FCNs

Varies--see registration information
Advance Care Planning for FCNs

As FCNs, we have an important role in helping health care consumers with Advance Care Planning.  In this symposium learn:

1.  Reasons why we need to encourage advance care planning.

2. Changes in health care directives recently.

3. Communication strategies to help us facilitate advance care planning.

4. Resources.

5.  Spiritual needs and spiritual care.

The Faith Community Nurse Network is a leading national provider of continuing education for faith community nurses!  Please join us!!


FCNs and Safety in Faith Communities

FCNs and Safety in Faith Communities

Can FCNs improve SAFETY in Faith Communities?  This FREE one-hour webinar offered by the Faith Community Nurse Network, a leading provider of continuing education for FCNs will review the many ways FCNs can contribute to a safer environment in their faith communities. 

Thursday, April 24, 2025  from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Central Time

Do you have emergency protocols for medical emergencies, fires, severe weather.  You'll see an example of an emergency protocol booklet designed by your instructor.  You'll learn about other resources and discuss the liability issues of not having safety policies and procedures in place. You'll receive two free resources you can customize for your own use and learn about the FCN Tool Kit.

Previous attendees have said:  "Excellent webinar!"  "Learned so much!"

Register now at:  https://form.jotform.com/fcnntc/april2025FCNSafety



Virtual Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

04-27-2025 2:00 pm - 05-05-2025 4:30 pm
$450 - scholarships and discounts available
Virtual Foundations of Faith Community Nursing We invite nurses from multiple locations and diverse spiritual and experiential backgrounds to unite in this Foundations of Faith Community Nursing class. This virtual course meets over 4 days and included many speakers, stories and experiences, discussion of integrating faith in the promotion of health, and understanding what it means to provide intentional care of the spirit. Faith Community Nurses promote connectedness, encouragement, hope, and love through various focus areas. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for questions, scholarship information, and to hear more about Faith Community Nursing!

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

Limited scholarships are available. The cost includes participant manual, notebook of materials, Scope & Standards of FCN practice, and some meals for the week
Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

The Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Course will be offered by the Concordia College Parish Nurse Ministry Program (Moorhead, MN) April 28 – May 2, 2025.  The location will be at Atonement Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND.  Please see the details tab for additional information about the course: format, materials, and contact hours.


Foundations Course 2025

05-01-2025 8:00 am - 05-29-2025 8:00 am

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for Hoag's 20th Foundation of Faith Community Nursing Course!  Registration open March 27 - April 21.  170 Nurses & Health Ministers have been trained to date through the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian course.  These Zoom classes are led by instructors Susan Johnson, Nancy Amo and Beth Otterbein from Newport Beach CA.  We hope some can join us!  


Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

06-09-2025 - 08-01-2025
Four Hundred Dollars

The West Virginia University School of Nursing offers a Faith Community Nursing course for individuals interested in helping to address the unique needs of faith-based organizations. The professional practice of faith community nursing focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting holistic health and preventing or minimizing illness in a faith community.


Dedication/Graduation Ceremony

11-23-2025 2:00 pm -4:00 pm
Dedication/Graduation Ceremony Join us to honor our Faith Community Nurses and Health Ministers who completed the course this year! Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Foundations Course 2026

01-22-2026 - 04-09-2026
$400 + cost of participant manual
  • check out registration details at www.fcnrockies.org 39.5 contact hour Westberg Foundations course curriculum
  • Thursday nights online 5:30 - 8:30 Mountain time with 30 minute break for 11 weeks
  • In-person commission service in Denver on Saturday, April 18, 2026 (zoom possible)
  • Partial scholarships may be available for FCN in the Rockies members
  • Trained experienced faculty with content expert guest speakers
  • RNs in supportive oncgrgations who feel called to learn to spirutal practice of nursing.