
Advance Care Planning for FCNs

Advance Care Planning for FCNs

As FCNs, we have an important role in helping health care consumers with Advance Care Planning.  In this symposium learn:

1.  Reasons why we need to encourage advance care planning.

2. Changes in health care directives recently.

3. Communication strategies to help us facilitate advance care planning.

4. Resources.

5.  Spiritual needs and spiritual care.

The Faith Community Nurse Network is a leading national provider of continuing education for faith community nurses!  Please join us!!

Event Information

Event Date 04-10-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 04-10-2025 1:00 am
Cut off date 04-03-2025
Individual Price Varies--see registration information
Location The Faith Community Nurse Network (FCNN) for the Greater Twin Cities